Riot Games Turkey Esports Manager Burcu Güzel answered our questions!
We made an interview with Burcu Güzel, Riot Games Turkey Esports Manager

Greetings Ms. Burcu, thank you very much for taking the time to answer our questions. Would you like to tell about yourself for those who don't know you?
I started Riot Games in 2016 with the position of Development Manager. I took part in the project team of TBF, which took place in 2018 Ülker Arena, and undertook the entire coordination of the event. I felt the magic of esports more than ever before, both during the planning and implementation phases. Since March 2020, I have been working in the "Esports Manager" position for TCL / AL in the fields of league, broadcast and production management. In addition, I am a part of the manager and executive team in the EMEA region for Riot Games' other esports branches in Turkey.
What do you think about the point the esports industry has reached both in our country and in the world after 2 years spent with the Covid-19 pandemic? What observations did you make on the side of Riot Games?
In the past years, we have faced the reality of corona. Despite the difficult conditions, being an online game gave us a great advantage. Anyone with an internet connection at home can play this game. We have moved everything we do in terms of our rules and the operation of the league to the online environment. In order not to compromise on broadcast quality, we brought our core broadcast team together in a studio environment. As of the 2022 winter season, we have moved to a structure where our players play from team houses. As in our case, online tournament models have started to gain more weight in other regions and in some international organizations.
You are in a position with very important responsibilities in a large international game company. What would you recommend to those who want to emulate you and your success?
graduated from Izmir Dokuz Eylul University Computer Engineering Department. For 17 years, I worked in the fields of software and project management in various companies operating in the field of information technologies. In short, success is never a coincidence. I know the potential of our youth. In order to achieve success, it is necessary to realize the time-spreading goals step by step, to be aware of the work and its effects, to follow the sector and to adapt to innovations.
In which areas do you think we are good in esports and in which areas do we need to improve?
For years, we have spent a lot of effort for the development of esports in Turkey. Although our international performance was not where we expected or desired, we are proud of the players we send abroad. As the number of players we export increases every day, this has a positive effect on the recognition of our league. I believe that our young and competitive population will create new stars and represent us proudly. With the right investments, team spirit and sports discipline factors coming together, we hope that we will witness the success of Turkish teams in the international arenas.
How do you see VALORANT esports in Turkey? What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of Turkey?
We are aware that Turkey is an FPS center in particular. The interest shown in VALORANT is unmatched in the world. I think that the audience that loves the game and spends time will leave a mark around the world in time, together with the brands that invest in esports. With the VALORANT Champions Tour, which continues at full speed, with local qualifiers and local leagues, we have been getting to know regional play styles and aggression levels for about a year and a half, and witness different games. We hope that Turkish teams follow this situation closely with their players and coaches, the strategies they develop, team spirit and sports discipline factors come together, and we will witness the success of Turkish teams in the international arenas.
Finally, what are your goals as Riot Games Turkey?
As Riot games Turkey, we are evolving towards an entertainment company that focuses on games. As a new generation entertainment provider for our games, comics, animated series, music projects, licensed products and of course esports organizations, we want to be with our players in every moment of their lives. Our aim is to be an unchangeable cultural value of daily life, not just in a single field.
We would like to thank Burcu Güzel for answering our questions and satisfying our curiosity about esports and Riot games.
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