Peak Games advertisement lawsuit ends.
The legal process regarding Peak Games' loud advertisement has been finalized.

The lawsuit for Peak Games advertisements came to an end. Shortly after the advertisement was published, it was revealed that the idea and concept of the advertisement was not original, and that the vehicle manufacturer Audi had previously prepared a similar advertisement.
After these news, Peak Games said, "We learned at the same time as all of you that our commercial is not original. It is impossible to describe our stomachache and sadness. In creative work, originality of ideas is very valuable to us, so we stop all advertising.” and “All our 3-month meetings with the agency are recorded. We will start the legal process not only in Turkey, but also in the USA to the network to which the Agency is affiliated, and we will share the result with you." He announced that the legal process was started.
Peak Games advertisement lawsuit concludes
Peak Games, which was acquired by the world's giant game company Zynga for $ 1.8 billion in June 2020, announced on Monday, March 21, that the legal process started 3 years ago has ended.
"As promised, we share the result here. The lawsuit we filed against the commercial that we published with great enthusiasm three years ago, but later learned that it was stolen, was concluded today." In the statement that started with the words, it was stated that the court approved that the advertisement film was not original and that the company won the case against the agency.
Regarding the court's decision at the end of the statement, he said: "We are very happy that the decision emphasizes the importance of originality in creative works as well as confirming our rightness." attention was drawn to the importance of originality.
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