Kaan Kural said goodbye to LolEspor.

The popular name of the sports world will not be on Lolespor screens this season.

Kaan Kural, who has added color to the League of Legends esports world with his presentation and comments since 2015, said goodbye to Lolespor for now, with his post on Friday, January 14, when the Championship League 2022 Winter Season was announced.

In his Twitter post, Kural said, "I'm leaving LoLespor matches this season, which I have been telling with great pleasure since 2015. I would like to thank my colleagues for their hard work.” While announcing with his words, he said the following about the esports audience:

A bigger thank you to the esports audiences who have accepted me among them. I'm afk for a while until our paths cross again. GGWP

Kaan Kural: "See you soon dear Kindred"

The popular name of the sports world, tweeted another tweet after the separation. “It is difficult to choose from among 6 years, but if I want to leave a single frame, I think it has a special place. See you soon, dear Kindred. You're right too”, and included the unique moments of Kindred, who responded to Kaan Kural's words during the 2018 Summer Season Royal Bandits and YouthCrew match.

After the sharing of Kural, popular names of the esports world, esports teams and viewers made hundreds of posts thanking him.


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